Listed below are out offices and the people who hold them.
If you are looking for more information about the offices details or Kingdom level officers names and contacts, please head to the Kingdom of Meridies page.

Seneschal: Lord Jacob Tailor
Mundane Name: Jacob Werchan
They represent all of us in our shire to the kingdom. This person is the group’s administrator and legal represenative in the SCA. They can be compared to the president of the group.

Chatelaine: Lord Leopold Guottmann
Mundane Name: Ben Mullis
New to the SCA? Interested? The Chatelaine is your best contact for your burning questions, especially if you are new and want to know more. Probably one of the friendiest person you will meet in our shire.

Exchequer: Shair Fiachna Mac Phiaraic (Master Theahtyn of Girvan)
Mundane Name: Peter Gareis
This position keep an eye on our books for our shire.

Heavy Weapons Marshal: Sir Edward Aldwin
Mundane Name: Lon Turner
Deputy: Laird Kieran McLeod, CAS (Kieran McLeod)
Ever want to fight like they do in the movies with the noble knights? Okay, maybe not exactly like that. This person can help you learn more about heavy fighting and all of the armor, wepaons and shields to your heart’s desire.

Light Weapons Marshal: Baron Eamonn Mac Uilliam
Mundane Name: Edmund Janowicz
Have you wanted to feel like the fouth Musketeer? But the versions with the skinny swords and big, feathered hat? This person can help you learn more about all that and daggers, bucklers, cape and more. Think along the lines of fenching with some really cool outfits.

Live Weapons Marshal: Master Fynlo Mac Cane
Mundane Name: Jamie Cain
Axes, spears, knifes and bows! Oh My! If heavy and light weapons are not your speed but would like to indulge in weaspon, this person can help you learn about them. They will have you feeling like a rouge in a DND campaign.

Arts and Sciences: Mistress Maut mac Alpine
Mundane Name: Mert Gareis
Are you interested in studying art forms like sewing or calligraphy, technologies and aspects of culture in relating to their used in the time period or in the SCA? This person can help you look into that and gain a better understanding of it all.

Herald: Lord Leopold Guottmann
Mundane Name: Ben Mullis
If you need help pinning down your SCA Persona, this is the person to reach out to. They can help you figure out the name, time and the arms for your persona. They are also the ones typically making announcements on the field and are see up front at court. If there is an annoucemnt, the have your back.

Webminister: Lady Catrin Thomas
Mundane Name: Kate Werchan
If you made it to this website and it works, it’s because of this person.
Quarter Master: Baroness Raina
Mundane Name: Raina Baron-Cain
Need something to wear? Need a bow? They might have it stashed away.
Social Media: Baroness Heather ingean Ui Briain
Mundane Name: Heather O’Brien-Martin
Facebook, our other page.
Last Updated: 01/28/2025