Our Schedule

Monthly Meetings

We have a business meeting typically every 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM in Warner Robins, GA. We hold our monthly meeting and then switch over to sharing and working on Art and Sciences projects. If you are working on anything and would like to share or need assistance, please bring!

Ted Wright Park
2841 Moody Rd, Bonaire, GA 31005

We end promptly at 9 PM.

Dates are for 2024

January 27February 24
March 17April 21
May 19June 16
July 21August 18
September 22October 20
November 17No meeting
in December

Light Weapons Fighter Practice

If you are new and interested, even just joining the SCA, feel free to come! Do not feel like you have to have experience to come to the practices. We have experienced fighters that can help you learn the techniques.

Practice is held on Monday at 5:30PM (winter)/6:30 PM (summer).

Please note to keep up on the Shire of Tir Briste Facebook page for any changes to the schedule.

Sheriff’s Office202 Carl Vinson Pkwy, Warner Robins, GA 31088

Heavy Weapons Fighter Practice

If you are new and interested, even just joining the SCA, feel free to come! Do not feel like you have to have experience to come to the practices. We have experienced fighters that can help you learn the techniques.

Practice is held on Sunday at 1PM

Please note to keep up on the Shire of Tir Briste Facebook page for any changes to the schedule.

Fountain Park614 Kimberly Rd, Warner Robins, GA 31088

Kingdom Events

Kingdom Calendar and Events

SCA Wide Events

SCA College of Arms

Helpful Links

Society of Creative Anachronism Home Page

Newcomer Quick Link

SCA Membership Sign Up

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Facebook Pages

Kingdom of Meridies Facebook

Shire of Tir Briste Facebook